
Jackets Complete a Deal

(Columbus, Ohio)

     Last night the Jackets were finally able to deal Mikhail Grabovski, who's name has been swirling around the rumour mill for over a year now. Grabovski was dealt to Detroit, who hope that Grabovski can provide them some offence for a playoff run. In exchange for Grabovski, Columbus received Detroit's first round pick in the upcoming entry draft and young defenceman Jason Demers.(Dealt with Grabovski was the Jackets third round pick).
     Columbus is very happy to welcome Demers, who they hope will develop into a top four defenceman in the future. From here it looks like this may be just the start of many moves that will occur within this organization before the trade deadline. League wide rumours have mentioned Columbus players David Backes, Jay McClement and Radim Vrbata as possible targets for playoff contenders. Inside the organization it has been known for a while now that almost nobody is safe when it comes to shopping players.

Until next time...

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